Monday, May 1, 2017

MKT 348: Analytics and SEO

"I find that spending some time just poking around my analytics tends to reenergize me, and reminds me why I ever cared about SEO in the first place. This is particularly true when looking at my conversion rates. There's nothing like seeing a drop in conversion rates to remind me why SEO matters."

"If spending time with your analytics doesn't help (or makes your burnout even worse), it may be time to take a short break from anything related to SEO. This means no obsessing over traffic, no reading up on the latest Google updates and no re-optimizing old content in a desperate attempt to rank."

"Since most SEO tasks are completed online or at least on a computer, I recommend taking some time to do something offline that you enjoy. Jogging (or strolling), going out for dinner, playing with your cat (I'd choose my dog, but you get the idea) - it doesn't matter. Just make sure it's something you love (and bonus points (we must track everything) if it's a guilty pleasure)."

"I find it's often when I'm doing something I enjoy that I get new insights about my business, website or SEO strategy. This then gives me the motivation to get back at it and make things happen."

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