Sunday, December 4, 2016

Facebook Campaign

For the completion of my Social-Media Marketing course, I have been running a campaign for a local medical office. This is a special that I have created which allows users to "claim" the offer. This link that has been set for this advertisement allows user to visit the web page of the office, increasing customer traffic online as well. This advertisement is running at a $25 dollar budget in order to gain insights and to allow me to gain a better understanding on budgeting Facebook posts.

The current insights that have been gained because of this budget increase include: five post clicks and over 350 people reached. The advertisement is expected to gain more in the duration of the next 20 days.
The advertisement also includes a catch tagline including the phone number for customers to easily contact the office to set up an appointment.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Social-Media Marketing for B2B

In this post I will be reviewing the different reasons social media can be successful in business to business methodologies.  91% of retail brands currently use or implement the strategies of Social-Media Marketing to their business. Many believe that Social-Media Marketing is only useful in reaching to consumers, yet businesses can also gain much insight from the incorporation of such strategies. The following are some strategies for businesses to use while incorporating Social-Media Marketing

·         Keep your posts short and simple
·         Optimize your profile to reach new clients
·         Post relevant information that involves your business
·         Know where your clients are for successful targeting
·         The more you spend, the more you get.

Incorporating these tactics through Social-Media Marketing can ensure a business to receive success. 

Five Social-Media Marketing Errors

Although Social-Media Marketing can be an easy strategy to understand, there are still some errors marketers run by. In this post, I will be reviewing five different tactics that marketers use to ensure FAILURE of their business:

  • ·         Followers are the most important part of Social-Media Marketing
  • ·         Paid advertising is the only way to get noticed by consumers
  • ·         The more channels you use to market your brand the more successful you will be
  • ·         The use of hashtags will help your postings
  • ·         Social-Media Marketing is free.

These five points are the reason that many companies do not succeed. The differences between organic searches and reaches are different when posts are budgeted. Success is not guaranteed by the use of Social-Media Marketing, but is inferred. 

Twelve steps to success in Social-Media Marketing

Marketing is daunting to many companies. With the implementation of Social-Media Marketing, companies can reach wider audiences with the touch of a few buttons. This is vital to ensure success for a business. Small approaches can have a large outcome through many Social-Media channels. Below I have incorporated a list of points to ensure success of a business through Social-Media Marketing.

                By implementing each of these 12 points, business can ensure the success and growth for years to come. Social-Media Marketing continues to expand every day so always look out for new tactics.

The different channels for Social-Media Marketing

This blog post will be doing into in-depth detail about the top 5 social media channels that can be used to market and promote any business!
·         Facebook
o   Facebook is a great platform for companies to use Social-Media Marketing. There are over a billion users worldwide and features with are targeted to business for advertising and promotion. Facebook is a must-have for business to ensure success.
·         Twitter
o   Twitter has a more interesting format as they limit their posts by 140 characters. This can allow companies to promote their business through short messages, photos, links, and other types of media.
·         LinkedIn
o   This platform of Social-Media is incredibly useful for business oriented consumers. LinkedIn allows successful entrepreneurs to promote their businesses, boost their professional networks, and reach to B2B clients.
·         Instagram
o   Instagram is a visually oriented Social-Media channel. The most important factor brands must remember is that Instagram is mainly based around mobile apps. This channel allows business to promote their products and services through posting photos and short videos, and even “stories” that will disappear within 24 hours of posting.
·         Snapchat
o   Snapchat is a platform that has been targeted towards many younger generations, although has been able to catch on to wider audiences. This platform allows business to target audiences through geo-filters that are set when an individual enters a certain radius.

Top Social-Media Marketing Companies

For this blog post, I have done an extensive search of companies and brands that implement the tactics of Social-Media Marketing successfully. These companies incorporate such tactics such as interactive customer posts, budgeting on posts, and responding to customer comments. There are many companies rocking the Social-Media spectrum of marketing and can even inspire many companies to follow their routine.
Reviews of the top three companies has been included below:
·         Starbucks
o   Starbucks has budgets to make amazing advertisements, but they have a main focus on Social-Media Marketing. The most interesting tactic I found that Starbucks uses to increase the traffic they receive on social media is they give their customers a way to reload the loyalty cards right on the interface.
·         Old Spice
o   Old Spice created a footprint for their brand when introducing Isaiah Mustafa in their campaign. Mustafa has been implemented into the brands success, even responding to tweets the brand receives through YouTube videos. These videos are promoted to reach audiences that do not even use Old Spice!
·         Staples
o   Staples has a more interactive interface on Social-Media. They include gift card giveaways and product promotion extensively. They have fun on their page by making jokes about everyday office culture. They post funny videos and posts because at the end of the day their customers are into more than just paper clips

Which of your preferred companies incorporate Social-Media Marketing tactics? Comment below!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

This week I began to enhance my online networking pages. I have made a page on Facebook that will advance the work that I achieve as an advertiser, and additionally educate others on new-age showcasing. 

To start, I could audit my past work and accreditation that I received through google ad words. This semester I will likewise be anticipating finishing the Hootsuite confirmation, which can expand my aptitudes in online networking promoting through their stage. Joining these aptitudes I figure out how to enhance any of the promoting ventures that I will go up against in my courses.
Image result for hootsuite

For the page, I made my own logo which comprised of a dark to blue blurred circle that incorporates my initials, S.D. I additionally made the cover page which had the scenery of the city of Chicago, which I at present do quite a bit of my work in. The cover page has a straightforward text style that peruses 'advanced advertising' to accentuate the work that I will advance on my page.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Each week I have been able to utilize different resources to optimize my social networking sites. My Facebook page has been created with the title of SD Digital Marketing. I will be updating it weekly with different information about the digital marketing and my upcoming projects.

For my Facebook page, I designed a small logo that is included in my profile picture. This logo is simple with just my initials in a divided circle. The header of the page was also a custom design I made through a picture that I found on google images public search. I knew this picture is most appropriate as most of the work I am doing is located in Chicago.

I am very excited to see whats to come with my Facebook page. I have been inviting many friends, family members, and colleagues to like my page and boost my results in digital marketing. I will be also optimizing my pages through all social networks and will continue to update those weekly.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 2 - Marketing 347

This week I have started to build my social media pages. I have created a page on Facebook that will be promoting the work that I accomplish as a marketer, as well as inform others on new-age marketing. 

For the page, I created my own logo which consisted of a black to baby-blue faded circle that includes my initials, S.D. I also created the cover page which had the backdrop of the city of Chicago, which I currently do much of my work in. The cover page has a transparent font that reads 'digital marketing' to emphasize the work that I will be promoting on my page.

One of the keys to successful posting on Facebook is to keep your audience entertained. I study articles that relate to digital marketing every day to bring my followers the most interesting news, and will begin posting about these articles. 

Currently, there is not much traffic that is coming towards my page. My plan to reach out to my friends, colleagues, and family is going to be through many different platforms. I have family and friends on all social networks, so I will definitely be adding a link onto my Instagram, twitter, and Facebook pages. Another interesting way that I have thought about getting my page out to people would be through my linked-in because I can connect to a much broader audience on that platform, which is also mostly used for networking. I continuously will be refreshing my Facebook page to appeal to more of my followers as well.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Social-Media Marketing

Marketing 347 is a course where I will be able to enhance my skills in different areas of digital marketing. More specifically, I will be learning on the many different ways of social media marketing.

To begin, I was able to review my past work and certifications that I recieved through google adwords. This semester I will also be looking forward to completing the Hootsuite certification, which can increase my skills in social media marketing through their platform. Incorporating these skills I learn to optimize any of the marketing projects that I will be taking on in my courses.

This semester I am also looking forward to expanding my LinkedIn account and using the database as a platform to communicate with other professionals in the marketing field.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 6

This week was all about exposure and impressions for my advertisements. From the material we learned in class, I was able to incorporate them and the material that I used to study for my AdWords and Search Exam on Google Partners, which I also passed both! 

One skilled I have learned so far and have been trying to repeat is risk taking. Especially when it comes to AdWords, it is all about trying something different and see how it reacts. This comes very handy in choosing keywords for my different advertisement groups. I was able to test the keywords on all three of my advertisements, and these keywords almost are competing with each other to see which ones are doing the best. I have optimized one of my advertisements on the Tiger Sanctuary and have over 50,000 impressions. I searched some keywords myself and saw my advertisement fell on the bottom of the first page, which is pretty neat for only learning how to use this software for a few months.

The material I used to study for my exams helped me more than I had expected. There was many different tips that you can learn just  by reading on how the different feature of AdWords work.
AdWords has many different features, and when you know the optimal use of these features you will succeed in creating an advertisement that will receive impressions. This is something that I also want to continue working on and optimizing my ads as the weeks pass.

Week 5

During the fifth week of the course, I wanted to be able to make the ad groups I had set up on AdWords to have more of an impression on a broader audience. I did much research that helped me utilize the different tools that AdWords has to offer.

Currently I am running three different advertisements for the National Tiger Sanctuary. I am pretty satisfied with how they have done within a short time period, and also using these as a test run for my first use of Google AdWords. The first advertisement I created was not getting many impressions or clicks, so I decided to create an advertisement that would include different keywords than what I previously used to make the most of it. Google Adwords does a great way of incorporating tips to expand the exposure of their advertisements.

This advertisement has been doing much better than many of my other advertisements, but I still want to be able to make these advertisements and get the full hang of them before I continue to advance onto other non profit organizations, but in the next week I will be sure to continue to expand my knowledge on AdWords and test out many different methods to gain more exposure.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 4: AdWords Optimization

Personally, AdWords is playing an interesting role in my life. I never really knew that there was so much thought and process that went into creating a simple advertisement on Google. Lets rephrase the word simple with something more as 'time consuming'. It really is a hit or miss situation when working with these advertisements. For the last seven days, my campaign has been having various impressions every day.  Currently, I have two advertisements for my campaign. They both are related to different tigers and have different landing pages.

Both of my advertisements did fairly well in the beginning, but recently when I went to see my first advertisement I had made, my keywords had all been removed. So, as of now my second advertisement is doing much better. From the beginning, you want to figure out what will be the best for your campaign and how you should go about it. When creating your advertisement, the first step would be to figure out what it is that you want to optimize. I wanted to have a very simple advertisement, something that can grab their attention, but not overwhelm them when they are on the search. When creating your advertisement, AdWords does a great job in splitting the steps for you.
Also, continuing my studies and tests with the Keyword Planner I was able to understand what would be most beneficial to my advertisement.  The Keyword Planner generates ad group and keyword ideas. It also really helps give you an idea of how to fully optimize your advertisement.

I am going to continue using these tools, as well as creating new advertisements. I also believe that as I study for my second exam, I’ll be able to utilize those and work to get my advertisement to have a much higher CTR rate.

*I also really thought it was interesting to type in any random name, and see the estimate on how many clicks they get, so I chose my favorite person Rihanna.*

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 3: AdWords Keywords

I finally have my campaigns up and running, and I have to say I think my favorite part of this week was that when I came back from the weekend and saw that my campaigns had been getting clicks and impressions! It was so interesting that the way they all get calculated, and the different rates that google has to identify how well your advertisement is doing. Yet, I am not stopping there. I have been doing more research on the ways I can really bring my advertisement up when people search for it. I have added many more keywords, but I feel like after a while it is a hit or miss. You realize which keywords are doing well and those that are not really doing much for you.

Another software we came to recognize this week was the Keyword Planner, which is beneficial in searching for keywords to use. The Keyword Planner is another function from Google AdWords that is strictly there for the business to use for optimization of their advertisements. It was really interesting that you could even look up different keywords to see how well they would do and how many times they were estimated to be searched that month (yes, I did check to see how many times my name had been searched as well). It was a very interesting and really helpful to test out what keywords to use, including what their competition is. I am excited to see where my advertisements are standing next week! 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 2: AdWords & Getting Certified

After getting familiar with AdWords, this week was spent getting to know the fundamentals and truly how you can have a successful campaign. I was able to create two advertisements for the page, each of which was for the National Tiger Sanctuary. I am still trying to make my advertisements become much more interacted with. Adding certain keywords really did help the advertisements jump to different pages, and when I searched for one of the tiger’s names my advertisement was on the first page! It was so interesting to see that the work you put in for AdWords will pay off with the results.

I really spent time studying the material for the certification test as well. Google Partners thankfully provides extensive study guides that are very helpful, and if you study well you will be able to pass the test. I passed the certification on my first try, but right on the border. I know that if I continue to use the study guides I also would be able to improve my score. For my campaign, I made sure to utilize all the parts of AdWords that could potentially increase the insight of my advertisement. I researched on Google that there are many different types of articles that help businesses figure out ways to optimize their AdWords Campaign. I’m looking forward to seeing what my advertisements will do and how the campaigns in our class will succeed

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 1: Beginning of Google AdWords

Google AdWords:

Google AdWords is a platform off google that helps businesses and companies advertise directly on googles page. When someone comes to search something on Google, certain keywords trigger their searches to also reveal advertisements that are related to their search. AdWords is a platform that could benefit almost anyone that is wanting to practice SEO (search engine optimization). One of the main points to remember when wanting to create an ad on AdWords is a list of keywords that would be beneficial when someone searches your business. 

For example, a dentist could advertise for emergency appointments by using keywords that people would commonly search for such as "tooth ache," "dental emergency," "root canal." This makes it easy for Google to make advertisements that correlate with the information that you input. AdWords can benefit any type of business. After playing around with AdWords for a while, I came to understand exactly what ways you can make the most out of your campaign/ad. Google is a website used by almost everyone around the world, so using it for search engine optimization is vital to many businesses.  

I want to be able to really understand how Adwords works. I want to be able to increase my knowledge in it so that I can be able to also take care of these tasks. Google is so big where this will probably be around for many years, so taking advantage of this program can help increase the consumer base of any business.  

I'm looking forward to what Week 2 will bring me!